Thursday, January 12, 2012

7 Chakras: The first system-Base Chakra

The Base Chakra or the Root Chakra which is located primarily in the lower spine of your body is responsible for your confidence as well as "feeling connected to the earth". It also is responsible for feelings of security, wealth and health. 

The color associated with this chakra is red and its physical sense is Smell. 

Smell being very powerful and one of our most primal senses, with its connection to our limbic system it is responsible for memories from our past and could even stir up unconscious ones. 

When the root chakra is unbalanced feelings of insecurity, fear and anger can dominate the mind. 

*Seeing as this is the root of your chakra system we must make sure that this is working at the optimal level at all times.(The Chakra system of our bodies works as a bridge, it allows universal energy to flow through your entire body, if one is blocked then the chakras succeeding it will not function as well.)* 

If you are having a lot of insecure feelings about your future, finances, or personal life, I would suggest doing a chakra test . 

The state we are trying to achieve with this chakra is stillness, within ourselves. 

Some possible solutions to try are dancing , grounding meditations and placing yourself around nature